Is Marriage Merely the Next Big Thing?Memandang dan Mempersiapkan Pernikahan sebagai Muslimah, serta Memaknainya Lebih dari Soal RasaJan 181Jan 181
Pendidikan itu soal Lulus Sekolah?Memaknai Pendidikan dengan Hati dan PemikiranJul 16, 2024Jul 16, 2024
Ramadan, Uban Ibu, dan Rambut Ayah yang Mulai BotakPhoto by Justin Veenema on UnsplashApr 11, 2024Apr 11, 2024
Realita dan Makna Bekerja secara RemoteDalam hidup, aku banyak melakukan eksperimentasi; kadang melakukan hal-hal yang sesuai arus, kadang melawan arus. Eksperimentasi ini aku…Apr 8, 2024Apr 8, 2024
Manage Yourself, Before Managing OthersThis is my writing that was initially published on Minutes of Manager’s page, with Iqbal Hariadi as the editor.Apr 8, 2024Apr 8, 2024
First Five — Part 1: Meaning of CareerIf I am given 72 years of lifetime, I have used the first 5 years and it remains the rest of 45 years.May 10, 20231May 10, 20231
What Love MeansA reflection from a heartbreak, names of God, and a verse of the Qur’anFeb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
28 Lessons I Learned in 2022This world is full of problems and unmet expectations, be wise enough in treating them:Feb 25, 2023Feb 25, 2023
Networking Guide for Introverts in Big ForumsHow to navigate yourself in the over-stimulated networking eventsDec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
#4 — What The Current Mass Layoff Teaches Me[4th Episode] A set of reflections to answer the question on ‘who are you without your job title?’Nov 15, 20222Nov 15, 20222