In the Prayer Space
This prayer space is just the usual one, but the past two weeks have been different for me.
My workplace is located in a mall building, whose prayer spaces are the shared ones. There are two kind of people I meet in this prayer space; the same people who most likely also work in this building and obviously, the mall visitors.
Well, this prayer space is just the usual one — not that wide yet nice — but the past two weeks have been memorable for me.
Two weeks ago, I met a person whose appearance looks like a man wearing all male attires. At a first glance I was not sure if this person was female or male, until the moment she entered the female prayer section. She rolled up her sleeves and pants for wudhu (ablution) and I could clearly see tattoos all over her legs and arms. I tried my best not to give any looks that possibly makes her uncomfortable or feel being judged, I remained calm just like meeting any other Muslim sisters. She greeted me with smile and I greeted her back with smile too.
It has been couple of weeks that we constantly meet in the female prayer section in every dzuhur and ashr time.
Meeting her and seeing her praying has been admirable for me.
I cannot imagine how she managed to keep carry on to pray when I am sure that she has been receiving uncomfortable judgment from people, at least, judgmental looks. She keeps carry on to get closer to Allah SWT with conditions that are most likely not easy for her.
Whereas myself, whose conditions are most likely not as difficult as hers, take this chance for granted. It is totally possible that in the eyes of Allah SWT, she is a lot more better than me, with struggles she has been through in order to get closer to Allah SWT.
Our pasts are probably not something we are proud of, even something that we regret. As long as we are still alive, chance to go back to Allah SWT is still there. It is on us whether we want to catch that chance or not before death comes and there will be no second chance — problem is no one knows when death comes, death is always on the calendar.
Just today, at dzuhur time, I asked a different lady to lead jama’ah (congregate prayer). She then said to me that she can’t lead.
“I had just converted to Islam a month ago, I have not memorized all recitations in this prayer.”, she further explained.
I asked who her name was, I stated mine and we smiled widely. My heart felt so full.
After the prayer, I saw she cried while doing her du’a (supplication). She gave me her whatsapp number and said to me, “By this I have more sisters.”
I wanted to give her a hug, but I was shy to do that. Hehe
May Allah SWT always protects and gives ease for her, as converting to new religion is surely not easy.
In the prayer room of a mall where admirable moments happen. Alhamdulillah ya Rabb.